The story started on July 12, 2003. Three friends are going in a car. While going in the car, they saw a woman on the road side. Thinking she was alone, they gave her a lift. And when they asked what her name was, she said she was Teresa . The girl was very worried when she got into the car. The girl did not say anything when they asked about her. After a while, she pointed her finger out and said " there ". Stop there? the boy asked. Then the girl told that, I had an accident there 20 years ago. I've been dead for 20 years. All their brains immediately flew away. Immediately the car had an accident. Two of the friends died and only one survived. And it's true that a woman named Teresa Fidalgo was died in a car accident. And this video comes in the internet as soon as you search the name Teresa Fidalgo. A few days after the video came out, a message came to many phones. What was in that message is, 'My name is Teresa. I died in a car accident. Forward this me...