Island of the Dead Dolls

There's something thrilling about visiting a location with a dark and mysterious past. Take, for example, La Isla de las Muecas. Even before you get to the dark story arc, an island covered in decaying old dolls strung up in trees is pretty creepy.

And here is the story of the island of dead dolls👻 Mexico

Why are the dolls are being hanged to the trees? and strange part is all these dolls are too scary, some doesn't have heads, some legs and some hands, they really look too scary!

Why How and What?

It was around 1950. A person named Julian Santhan was alone living in the island.

On a day, he found a girl's dead body floating in Teshuilo lake. He bought her out and buried.

The next day, he found a doll in the same place where the girl's dead body was found. He thought it might belong to the girl and took it up. But the doll was so scary. He tied it up to a tree.

After that day onwards he use to see dolls floating in the lake everyday. And each and every doll is strange and awkward.

As he did before, he took all the dolls and tied to the trees in the island. He also buyed some dolls and tied up.

Ever since then, strange things have started to happen to him. He would experience that someone is next to him and strange sounds like some one singing songs and crying sounds. And everyday a doll in the lake.


In 2001, the government decided to hand over the island. Within a few days of thinking so Julian Santhan was found, as a dead body in the lake, in the same place where at first, the girl's body was found. According to post mortem he died of a heart attack.

People say that each and every doll contains spirit and that is why strange sounds and strange things happen at night.

And then after government banned it for visitors and outsiders. But few people risked and went into the island. They also experienced the strange sounds and whispers. They have also seen blood bleeding out of some of the dolls.

That's not all, no matter how the dolls are badly spoiled they have never fallen down, from the trees, that are being tied up.

In 1995, Julian said this, to his friends "These are the dolls that will take care of the island if  in case he dies".

There have been a lot of documentaries on this, and this is one of the scariest island in the world.



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